Beijing Drum and Bell Towers

Bell and Drum towers located at Dongcheng District of Beijing, is a unique tourist attraction. Drum Tower was initially built in 1272, was rebuilt in 1297, 1420 and 1539. The two-story structure was made of wood with a height of 47 meters. On its second floor there originally were 25 drums. Among them, there were one big drum and 24 smaller drums. Now, only the big drum is left. The drum is beaten four times a day, for 15 minutes at a time. There are many shops on the first floor where you can buy what you need.
Bell Tower made of bricks and stone, is 48 meters high and also is two stories. On all four sides of the tower there is an arched door on the first floor. A stairway leads to the second floor. On the second floor there is also an arched door with a stone window framing each side. Right in the middle of the second floor is the big copper bell that tells the time. It is hung on a wooden framework. It is the heaviest bell in China. There is a round wooden peg that knocks the bell.
Bells and drums were musical instruments in ancient China. Later they were used to tell time and became watches for the officials and common people as well.